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My journey started years ago long before I even acknowledged it - living my best life of overall wellness not just being healthy. We tend to forget at times about the other parts such as physical, psychological, emotional components that's are needed in order to be complete and compete at the highest level in this game called life. Well, welcome to my world 🌎! From my teenage years I started a list of items that were unhealthy for me and over the years that list have grown. As I grew older and learned more about genetics along with my family history especially about the women. I have learned of the various illnesses and diseases that has plagued our families for generations and decided that I will make a difference! The females in the matriarchal side of my family including my mother has suffered from fibroids and cyst over the years. I then made a promise to myself, to change the outcome by developing and sharing ways in which we can treat our bodies better to prevent any form of illness. What better way to start than ensuring that the body receives all the vitamins needed on daily basis to survive. Welcome to SeyWells!